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VoCamp, Nice, France, 24-25 September 2009[edit]

The 10th ever VoCamp (WhatIsVoCamp), and the first in France will take place in Nice on the French Riviera the 24th and 25th September 2009.

The hashtag for the vocamp is #vocampnice2009


This VoCamp on Flickr : photos tagged with #vocampnice2009

Follow on Twitter : twits with the tag #vocampnice2009

Follow on Identi.ca : notices with the tag #vocampnice2009

Follow on FriendFeed : feeds with the tag #vocampnice2009

Access right ontologies[edit]

The AMO ontology developped by Michel Buffa and Catherine Faron Zucker has been presented to the participants of the workin group. A round table from scratch seems to converge to a similar modelisation Several questions have come out: - the scenario of connecting several social networks each with its own access policy should be further studied - actions on content and actions on users should be distinguished - handle the inheritance of access types from one directory to one of its documents: it can be handled by a rule similar to the one expressing inheritance of authorized actions from one group of users to its members - a role could be the intention of a user group - the scenario of user exclusion may interest some social network where privacy is more important than sharing.

Sketch : http://www.flickr.com/photos/fabien_gandon/3952064987/

Social networks analysis ontologies[edit]

SemSNA is an ontology of social network analysis aimed to annotate social data with SNA features that is proposed in [Analysis of a Real Online Social Network Using Semantic Web Framework]. The top Class SNAConcept enables to define the basis of each SNA Concept. A SNAConcept is parametrized by the analyzed relationship with the property isDefinedForProperty and attached to a resource by the property hasSNAConcept. We introduced during this Vocamp the property analyzedGraph to specify the graph on which the analysis has been performed. The schema of the produced version is available here: SemSNA


Geolocation ontologies[edit]

Outcome from this group session is a owl file describing in SKOS format, relations between several existing ontologies about spatial dimension.

  • Participants:
    • Raphael Troncy, <raphael.troncy@eurecom.fr>
    • Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche, <pierre-yves.vandenbussche@mondeca.com>
    • Charles Teissèdre, <charles.teissedre@mondeca.com>
    • Carine Bournez, <carine@w3.org>
    • Elena Montiel-Ponsoda, <emontiel@fi.upm.es>
    • Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, <mcsuarez@fi.upm.es>
    • Serge Boucher, <sboucher@ulb.ac.be>
    • Eric Kergosien, <eric.kergosien@univ-pau.fr>
  • Second Day: Focus on Hydrography
    • Try to find equivalences among ontologies about hydrography issues developed independently in French, Spanish and English.

Sketch : http://www.flickr.com/photos/fabien_gandon/3952998909

Tags and tagging ontologies[edit]

We tried to come up with a model of the "tag action" which we modey putting a link between a "resource" (whose specification should integrate the IRW ontology from H. Halpin and V. Presutti) and a "sign".

The idea was also to type the tag action taking into account the classification of the different possible use of a tag as proposed by Golder & Hubermann (2006), and even to extend it to give as much freedom as possible to users as well as a general, albeit precise, model of tagging.

The outcome is represented here http://www.flickr.com/photos/27621977@N05/3953511932/.

Participants :

People from who had volunteered to work on the Tag Ontology :

  • Freddy Limpens,
  • Alexandre Monnin,
  • David Laniado,
  • Riccardo Tasso

worked with people who had also volunteered to work on the Sign/Resource Ontology :

  • (Alexandre Monnin),
  • Fabien Gandon,
  • Thomas Loertsch

Thanks also to Bojan Jovicic for his assistance.




Freddy Limpens, Alexandre Monnin, David Laniado & Fabien Gandon, Nicetag ontology : tags as named graphs. SNI09 - Social Networks Interoperability, 1st International Workshop 2009 at the 4th Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC 2009), 7-9 December 2009, Shanghai, China. http://spin.nicta.org.au/SNI2009/SNI2009/Program.html

Event ontologies[edit]

We first discuss how to define a general model of events for different contexts.

We decide to use the Event class of the LODE ontoloy as a super class for each type of event: LODE homepageLODE: Linking Open Descriptions of Events: Ryan Shaw, Raphaël Troncy and Lynda Hardman

Then each type of event extends lode:Event. For example we can define a class NewRelationEvent to define a new relation in a social network and define required attributes to model it.

Then we focused on the way to subscribe to events for automatic notifications. In a way, a subscription can be considered as an event too.

Event subscription ontology

We introduce two classes:

  • NotificationController: which aims to control the way the notifications are produced

Notification Controller

  • EventFilter: which set ranges to filter events on their attributes. We will add attributes to this class to specify range of agents, range of time, range locations and other properties to parametrize the subscription of events (coming soon ;) ). We will investigate the Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group in order to model these properties.

Sketches :

Web services ontologies[edit]

Existing initiatives[edit]
a WS ontology focused on composition through pre-conditions and effects of processes.
another description of WS.
a description also focused on composition through "workflows".
Other approaches[edit]
a RDF description of a WS.
allow the addition of references to existing ontologies for WSDL elements or its associated XLM schema.
allow the addition of "syntactic" constraints directly in the WSDL.


Thursday 24th and Friday 25th September 2009.


The following are outline timings for the event which are unlikely to change. Apart from these timings, exactly how we spend the time will largely be determined during the event.

Day 1 (Thursday 24th September)[edit]

09:00 - 12:00 Three groups were formed:

  • Access right ontologies
  • Social networks analysis ontologies
  • Geolocation ontologies

12:00 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 18:00 Three groups :

  • Access right ontologies
  • Tags and tagging ontologies
  • Geolocation ontologies

Day 2 (Friday 25th September)[edit]

09:00 - 12:00

  • Event ontologies
  • Web wervices
  • Tags and tagging ontologies
  • Geolocation ontologies (focus on hydrography)
  • Access right ontologies

12:00 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 18:00 voc, voc, voc,


Venue (meeting place)[edit]

Building : Mediterranean University Center of Nice

Address : 65 Promenade des Anglais, 06000 Nice, France

View : 3D view of the center and the street

Diner place (thursday evening)[edit]

Restaurant "Jardins du Capitole", 52 Promenade des Anglais, 06000 Nice, France (be there at 20:15 / 8:15PM)

Travel and how to arrive[edit]

From the airport Bus n°98 stops at "Grosso CUM / Promenade" i.e. the VoCamp place.

From the train station take line n°12.

(a one day bus pass is 4 euros) see: http://www.nice.aeroport.fr/acces_stationnement_en/bus/recherche.asp

Taxi travel fares from the airport: http://www.nice.aeroport.fr/acces_stationnement_en/taxi/default.asp



you can look at nearby hotels in Google maps and check prices and reviews on this query to Booking.com


Youth hostel :


Here people can suggest vocabularies and other things to work on. Just put a topic in the list and other people can put their names behind it to indicate interest in that topic.

Vocabularies, etc. I want to work on[edit]

(list topics of interest and name of people interested in each topic)

How Much[edit]

The VoCamp event itself is free, although participants will need to pay for their own travel and accommodation. INRIA will provide for both lunches as well as, the gala diner and the coffee breaks.



INRIA, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, and INRIA D2T.

With support from W3C Europe.


Local Animators[edit]

  1. Catherine Faron Zucker
  2. Guillaume Ereteo
  3. FreddyLimpens
  4. Nicolas Delaforge
  5. Sébastien Comos

Participants (list is closed)[edit]

please put a link to your page, give an e-mail or send an e-mail to Fabien.Gandon@sophia.inria.fr

  1. RaphaelTroncy
  2. Alexandre Monnin
  3. Bojan Jovičić
  4. Carine Bournez
  5. Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa
  6. Elena Montiel Ponsoda
  7. Olga C. Santos
  8. Christian Brel
  9. Alban Gaignard
  10. Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche
  11. Charles Teissèdre
  12. DavidLaniado
  13. Serge Boucher
  14. Philippe Gouillou
  15. Yves Lafon
  16. Thomas Lörtsch
  17. Michel Buffa
  18. Benjamin Diemert
  19. RiccardoTasso
  20. Eric Kergosien

Would like to, but can't[edit]

  1. Ruddy Lelouche <Ruddy.Lelouche@ift.ulaval.ca>
  2. Sabine Boufenara <sabineboufenara@yahoo.com>
  3. Jean Bezivin <Jean.Bezivin@inria.fr>
  4. Serge Stinckwich <Serge.Stinckwich@gmail.com>
  5. Emmanuel Gaulin <Emmanuel.Gaulin@orange.fr>
  6. Gonzalo A. Aranda-Corral <garanda@us.es>
  7. Tom Heath
  8. Marie-Claire Forgue
  9. Olivier Corby
  10. Sean Gillies
  11. Milan Stankovic
  12. Davide Eynard
  13. Hans Constandt <hansconstandt@gmail.com>
  14. Alain Giboin
  15. Francois Scharffe
  16. Javier Rojas Balderrama

Call for Participation[edit]

Subject :

VoCamp, creating new vocabularies, Nice, France, 24th and 25th September 2009


The 10th VoCamp and the first in France will take place in Nice on the French Riviera the 24th and 25th September 2009.
VoCamp is a series of free informal events where people can spend some time creating and maintaining lightweight
vocabularies/ontologies/thesauruses for the Semantic Web/Web of Data/Linked Open Data. (see http://vocamp.org/ )
The VoCamp idea is influenced by BarCamp but is oriented to hands-on technical work and practical outputs to publish
new vocabularies. The emphasis of the events is not on creating the perfect ontology in a particular domain, but
on creating vocabularies that are good enough for people to start using for publishing data on the Web.
VoCamps are free for participants. Sign up by going to the website (attendance is limited to 30 people at the
moment so be quick):