The fourth ever VoCamp. WhatIsVoCamp...?
It is co-located with the fourth Future of Web Search Workshop, which will have semantic search as a special topic this year. Consider to submit a presentation to that event!
This VoCamp is also just before WWW2009, the World Wide Web Conference taking place in Madrid, Spain.
The week before WWW2009, and just before the FoWS workshop.
Wed 15th - Thu 16th, April, 2009
The following are outline timings for the event which are unlikely to change. Apart from these timings, exactly how we spend the time will largely be determined during the event.
Wednesday 15th April 2009
- 9:00 Arrivals
- 9:15 Start and Introductions
- Short overview
- Introduction of participants
- Dinner planning
- Time for short presentations (if desired)
- 10:30 Coffee Break
- 14:00 Lunch
- 16:30 Coffee Break
- 17:30 Wrap up
- 18:00 Close
- 21:00 Dinner and drinks
Thursday 16th April 2009
- 9:00 Overview of the first day and planning for the second
- 10:30 Coffee Break
- 14:00 Lunch
- 15:30 - 16:30 Time for Extended Lightning Talks
- 17:30 Wrap up
- 18:00 Close
Room A3, Ibiza Congress Center, Avenida Dr. Camacho s/n, Santa Eulalia, Ibiza, Spain.
How to arrive
Santa Eulalia is situated on the eastern side of the island, only 17 Kms away from the airport. You can reach Ibiza taking the main road or the old picturesque road. The Congress Center is located at the end of the Paseo Marirtimo or seaside road of Santa Eulalia, next to the yachting harbour.
SPECIAL OFFER: Aguas de Ibiza has a special offer for FoWS and VoCamp participants, please see the FoWS website.
- Aguas de Ibiza (5*, Santa Eulalia, 50m from the workshop venue)
- Fenicia Insotel Prestige (5*, Santa Eulalia, 1000m from the workshop venue)
- Invisa (4*, Santa Eulalia, 1000m from the workshop venue)
- S'argamassa Palace (5*, Es Canar, 1500m from the workshop venue)
- Palladium Gran Hotel (5*, Santa Eulalia,1500m from the workshop venue)
- Sol Melia (3*, Santa Eulalia, 200m from the workshop venue)
- ApartHotel Tropic Garden (4*, Santa Eulalia, 200m from the workshop venue)
There are cheap flighs in the range of 30-80 euros one way (incl. tax) from both Barcelona and Madrid. As a major tourist destination Ibiza is easy (and cheap) to approach from many major European cities. Airport code is IBZ. Check out your favorite national low cost airline.
Spanish airlines to check out and routes from/to IBZ (subject to change):
- Vueling Barcelona, Madrid
- Air Europa Barcelona
- ClickAir Barcelona
- SpanAir Spanish cities + Copenhagen, Stockholm, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Munich, Zurich
- RyanAir Barcelona Girona, East Midlands, London STN, Milano Bergamo
- EasyJet Belfast, Berlin, Bilbao, Bristol, East Midlands, Geneva, Glasgow, Liverpool, London, Lyon, Madrid, Milan Malpensa, Newcastle, Paris
Here people can suggest vocabularies and other things to work on. Just put a topic in the list and other people can put their names behind it to indicate interest in that topic.
Vocabularies, etc. I want to to work on
Ontology of signs
Tools, etc. I want to learn or teach about
How Much
The VoCamp event itself is free, although participants will need to pay for their own travel, accommodation and food. The venue is sponsored by Yahoo. See also VoCampSupporters...
Participants, please list your name and any areas in which you're interested in creating vocabs (note: this is non-binding; it's also fine to list none). NB Only 30 places available this time, first come first served!
- PeterMika is very enthusiastic both about VoCamp and about the FoWS workshop.
- TomHeath: very much looking forward to the third VoCamp. Topics for me still to be decided, though a generic "availability vocabulary" may be a contender, and also a vocabulary for expenses claims -- very topical in the UK.
- HarryHalpin: Great to see co-location with Future of Web Search, and want to continue our discussion of vocabulary hosting. Have also made progress on the Resource ontology with ValentinaPresutti, would like to finish it.
- I am sorry I have to regret this time. See you at next VoCamp.
ValentinaPresutti: I am looking toward to this VoCamp, the first one for me. I think content ontology design patterns would be really helpful in such a context, and I would be happy to tell something about that to VoCamp-ers.Please, have a look at [1] and feel free to contribute, ask questions,... - Paola Di Maio: I develop and maintain glossaries and vocabularies (incl data dictionaries in structured analysis) and would like to learn how to rdfize them and implement them according to current W3C standard. I would also like to prepare to support future vocamp sessions in south east asia, where I work. Will seek Vocampers input and feedback on a project 'shared vocabularies for emergency management' currently being undertaken as a W3C Incubator Group. Need help with working out a few things here EIIF Emergency Management baseline vocab
- Alessandro Miele: I am a developer and I have implemented a CMS software that is now one of the four live international examples compliant to W3C WCAG 2.0 Level A StandardWeb. Now I’m inserting RDFa capabilities inside the software and I’m looking for a way to simplify the inclusion of vocabularies and to have a CMS without limits, scalable and able to grow during time. This is my first camp and I am a freelance: everything is on my shoulder but I really believe in the next generation web and I hope my contribution will be useful.
- Alexandre Monnin: I'm a PhD student whose thesis is concerned with ontologies and folksonomies (I've been working on it since the end of 2006). I'm also officially acting as a chief librarian - maybe "semweb evangelist" would better describe what I'm currently doing on a small scale. Would love to assist on anything related to the aforementioned Resource ontology in particular or ontology of signs (see: http://www.lingvoj.org/semio.rdf).
- François Dongier: As I expect to be working in the near future with vocabulary developers and maintainers, I want to develop a good understanding of the problems they'll be facing and current best practices. Domains: argumentation modeling, semantic tagging, semantic microblogging, real-time semantic search, open innovation (co-creation, collective intelligence), learning objects reuse. Also plan to attend the FoWS / semantic search workshop just after Vocamp.
- David Laniado: I'm a PhD student at Politecnico di Milano, studying how to construct light ontologies for semantic search (especially query expansion), gathering information from collective intelligence..
- Davide Eynard: I am a researcher at Politecnico di Milano, Italy and I just finished my PhD with a thesis about semantics and participation. I've worked on folksonomies and the possibility of empowering them with ontologies; I'm currently working on a project which aims at applying statistical and machine learning techniques to suggest taxonomies out of an unstructured text. No wonder I'm interested in this VoCamp, which would also be my first one.
- Gonzalo A. Aranda-Corral: I'm a PhD at Universidad de Sevilla and I'm developing visual tools to manage search results and repair the ontologies involved on them. We are also studying how to apply it to Semantic Mobile Web 2.0 .
- Thomas Lörtsch: working at Gruner+Jahr, Hamburg. Developing a mapping from microformats to RDF, called aMicroformat, including some weird OWL-constructs. Would like to discuss this, implementation as well as uses (and usefulness?).
- Jamie Taylor: I work on Freebase and I'm interested in community generated data/models. I would be excited to collaborate with people on creating vocabulary to vocabulary mappings in Freebase (using something like: http://vocabulary.freebase.com/view/base/vocabulary/views/ontology)
Standby List
When the list above gets full, add your name here if you want to be on the standby list in case places become free:
- ...
... (increase as needed)
Would like to, but can't
- Raphaël Troncy would love to make his first VoCamp but these dates clash with the W3C Media Fragments and W3C Media Annotations WG third face-to-face meeting in Barcelona on 16-17/04/2009 :-(
- Toby Inkster - would also love to get to one of these. Perhaps if the Edinburgh one goes ahead, or London.
Availability Vocabulary
Explanation, caveats, notes and points to address coming here soon, latest draft here: http://tomheath.com/tmp/availability.ttl
Search Engine Results
We had a lengthy discussion about Semantic Web search engines, the various features that each supports, and the benefits of them providing search results in machine-readable form. An example of this can be done comes from the Talis Platform, e.g. [2]
- aMicroformat: a mapping from microformats to RDF (all into one namespace). Still needs to connect to already available [RDF versions of microformats]. Not so clear if it's really usefull, maybe should be divided into smaller vocabularies, featuring the microformats for which no RDF-equivalents exist so far (like eg hRecipe)
Meta models of vocabulary relationships
A vocabulary for expressing how various vocabularies relate to one another. To make this vocabulary really useful a mechanism for declaring how data elements can be transformed to fit the mapped vocabulary should be added (e.g., foaf:birthday uses MM-DD while freebase uses YYYY-MM-DD)
A vocabulary for managing maps of owl:sameAs relationships in the LOD cloud. These maps are used by applications (and the Freebase RDF Interface) to discover what LOD data sets share identifiers and how those identifiers can be constructed.
Tagging Vocabulary
Simple Semantic Tagging example (view source) with widget making use of the tags: http://pop.jamie.user.dev.freebaseapps.com/test
The widget code is available at: http://acre.freebase.com/#app=/user/jamie/pop&file=index
Different names, but basically the same project evolving in time. Started as SpeakinAbout, a semantic annotation tool (demo here, paper here) which leverages Freebase to help people semantically annotate parts of text inside Web pages. Evolved into a plugin for the RDF Monkey project (actually not using RDF at all, while the rest of the project does) which gets the currently visited page inside Firefox and searches for "its" type on Freebase (where "its" means "the type of FB topics that link to this page"). The tool is currently not online, but there is a quite detailed tech report here. Email me if you are interested in its source code, any feedback is welcome!
This project was started during the first Expertfinder Workshop. The main here task is to model 'Expertise', and some of the theoretical background is based on standard engineering techniques, such as CommonKADS. The task is open. At Vocamp I demoed the first draft prototype impementation, which was coded in PHP. Current CODE Useful feedback included integrating freebase to make the pull down menus as well as other selection options richer and more dyanmic. This is an open task. Residual Microgrant available for advancing this prototype CONTACT Paola {DOT/ dimaio atnospam g m a i l/{
* there is a FOAFX vocabulary with the same name - http://b4mad.net/ns/foafx/