User talk:Dalialev

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Transcribed from my handwritten notes 7/26/09:

Knoodl - LiveEntertainment Ontology Start by producing too much and then cut down. Don't know until explore the topic. Build Ontology for live events and simultaneous events. By definition of "Live Entertainment" exclude fairs like Ren Fair and Craft Fairs.

Venue - types of Venue and what goes into venue:

Would the property of 'seating' be related to 'size'? The size of the venue for the event directly relates to how many seats (or standing room/general admission) it holds. How would we relate to ticket sales - 1 ticket = 1 seat/general admission. Doug wanted to point out that the fire code dictates how many people are allowed in a venue.

Arenas = enclosed space with built-in seats and stage, can hold sports sub: armory / factories / cow palace = empty enclosed spaces Stadium = built for sports Amphitheaters / sheds = not able to play sports (ex: Jones Beach) Auditorium sub: school auditorium / city auditorium / cultural center auditorium (ex: library, Y, etc.) / ship auditorium Seating:

standing or sitting
fixed / permanent or movable
in the round or angled rows


physical characteristics 
height (floor to ceiling)
number of floors
surface of stage/kind of floor (ex: suitable for dancing)
scenary backdrop


dressing rooms
green room
warm-up space

People putting on show (relate to People and Groups)

stagehands (incl. stage manager)
sound mixer
unions representing groups

Person wants to enjoy Live Entertainment and then need equipment by which you hear and watch the event (some of this is repetitive): backline [instruments, mics, amps, technical specifications (tech spec)]; power required by the performer; heating and cooling of the venue; sound [microphones, amplification, mixing board (sound and light)]; video projection; lighting set-up, etc.


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