User:Song Gao
Song Gao is a Ph.D student with emphasis on GIScience, at the Department of Geography , University of California, Santa Barbara. I investigate the use of geospatial semantics for integrating volunteered geographic information with the Alexandria Digital Library gazetteer, under the guidance of Professor Emeritus Dr.Michael Goodchild and Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Janowicz. Prior to attending UCSB, I obtained my M.S. degree in the Geosoft Lab (, Institute of RS and GIS, Peking University, and my B.S. at the School of Geography, from Beijing Normal University, China. In my past research, I worked extensively in analyzing mobile phone records and GPS-enabled taxi trajectories to reveal the spatio-temporal patterns of human mobility. I am interested in Geospatial Semantics, GIScience principles, spatial data mining, and location based social network (LBSN). Further, I have benefited from a valuable internship at the newly established Esri Software Research and Development center in China, gaining experience in supporting geospatial industry strategy and software development, as I did a GIS project of Campus Smartphone Apps.In addition, I am sharing my GIS knowledge by providing consultation for students&staffs at the UCSB Center for Spatial Studies’ Help Desk.