User:Francisco J. Lopez Pellicer

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Francisco J. Lopez-Pellicer holds PhD (April 2011) and MS (July 2005) degrees in Computer Science and a MS degree (June 1992) in Economics and Business from the University of Zaragoza. Francisco J. Lopez-Pellicer is Assistant Professor of the University of Zaragoza since November 2007, and collaborates with the Group of Advanced Information Systems (IAAA) since February 2004.

Francisco has focused his research efforts in the use of geospatial semantics within the multidisciplinary area of the Spatial Data Infrastructures. His current research interests are the development of geospatial ontologies, vocabularies and gazetteers, the discovery and indexing of geo Web resources, and the publication of geo information in the Web of Linked Data. He is author and coauthor of several articles published in journals, books and national and international conference proceedings. He has also contributed in various calls for public tender in R+D, and in research transfer technology contracts, both National and European.