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SPARQL Endpoint


  • RDF stands for resource description framework
  • RDF can be written using different serialization formats, e.g. RDF/XML, N3, RDFa

Triple Store

  • Triple Store is a data store that stores triples.
  • It can be implemented using DBMS or other technologies.
  • Example triple stores: Mulgara, Talis, Jena, OpenLink, Virtuoso, AllegroGraph.


  • A triple is a statement made up of subject, predicate and object
  • If a node is a class or instance and a relation is a link, then a triple can be thought of as two nodes connected by a link.
  • The relation in a triple is directional.
  • Example triple: Austin is_a City.

RDF Triples

  • RDF triples are triples in RDF format.
  • RDF uses URIs to represent concepts (subjects, binary predicates, objects)
  • RDF terms are one of these types: Class, Property (a.k.a. predicate), Instances
  • geoNames:Austin rdf:Type openCyc:City
  • Austin is an instance.
  • Type is a Predicate.
  • City is a class.
  • Each term above refers to a URI.


  • A namespace is used as a shortcut for the base of a URI where a set of URIs are located.
  • geoNames is an example of a namespace.


  • A flat list of terms.
  • A vocabulary is comprised of a collection of URIs.
  • Some people think of vocabulary as a collection of concepts.
  • Some people think of a vocabulary as including facts that connect those concepts in order to at least partially define them.
  • A vocabulary is a set of terms.


  • Terms connected in a hierarchy.
  • Taxonomies use the relations subType and type.


  • Ontogies contain taxonomies.
  • An ontology is a formalized representation of knowledge.
  • An ontology can define and use a very rich set of relations (beyond subType and Type).
  • An ontology can let you express facts about terms in the ontology and about the concepts that those terms refer to.



  • Universal Resource Identifier
  • A URI defines a concept that should contain data which consitute facts about the concept
  • As a convention of the Semantic Web, if you look up a URI, you will get either RDF or an HTML document, depending upon what you've "asked for". You say what you've "asked for" using content negotiation.
  • People create URIs in a "place" that they have control over.



  • OWL is written in RDF
  • OWL has a richer semantics than RDF


  • A Class is description of things where there could be more than one of them in the world.
  • Examples: Building, City, River.
  • NOT Examples: Austin, TheEiffelTower, likes.


  • A property is the connector that relates the subject to something else.
  • Examples: likesAsFriend, loves, containsInstancesOf.
  • NOT Examples: Dog, Austin, Person.
  • Property and predicate get confused with each other, because "predicate" has so many meanings.


  • An instance is an individual thing.
  • If Class is like a set, then an instance in an element in that set.

Linked Data

Linking Open Data

From English to RDF Triple - First Attempt