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Logo of Hypios VoCamp Paris 2010 [1]

Hypios VoCamp, Paris, France, 13-14 May 2010[edit]

The 2nd VoCamp (WhatIsVoCamp) in France, will take place in Hypios Headquarters in Paris the 13th and 14th May 2010.

The hashtag for the vocamp is #hyvoc


This VoCamp on Flickr : photos tagged with #hyvoc

Follow on Twitter : twits with the tag #hyvoc

Follow on Identi.ca : notices with the tag #hyvoc

Follow on FriendFeed : feeds with the tag #hyvoc

...to be completed after the VoCamp...

User (weighted) Interests Ontology[edit]

Related Ontologies: IMO e-foaf WI

Use case 1[edit]

We want to be able to express user's interest in a more rich way, by also including the importance of a certain topic of interest, and we want to express contextual information about time when the interest appeared, as well as the evidences that lead to the conclusion about the appearance of a certain user interest.

Use case 2[edit]

We want to be able to state that some interests (like interests in people, companies, etc.) imply the user's willingness to be informed about the updates related to the object of interest (person, product, company, etc.) in a certain context.

Original WI implementation[edit]

original WI

Proposed changes to the current WI model:[edit]
  • remove owl:unionOf part of wi:Doc&Concept relation (Milan ...) {reason: union does not help reasoning because of the open world assumptions. When we do not have the information that something is skos:Concept, and it belongs to the union, we cannot infere that it is then a Document. Therfore the union is uselles, and we propose to use a simple subPropertyOf dc-terms:subject which would have skos:Concept for a range. Thus skos:Concepts can be distinquished from other stuff.} proposed change in OWL:
    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="http://xmlns.notu.be/wi/topic">
      <rdfs:range rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept"/>
       <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject/"/>
       <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="http://xmlns.notu.be/wi/" />
  • Note on the previous comment (Alex). AFARI, on the first day, we agreed that this topic property should simply link to an rdf:Resource / owl:Thing so that we can be interested in anything. Using skos:Concept imo limits the expressivity (e.g. a Person is not supposed to be a skos:Concept)
  • Add support for an interest to evolve over time. An interest may decay over time, except if the user regularly consumes documents of that subject.
  • add wi:ComplexInterest class, which is rdfs:subclassOf wi:WeightedInterest, so it inherits all properties of WI and it should contain the necessary properties to model an Interest that changes over time. So the user can choose to either model the Interest as a simple interest (using only the WI class) or a Complex Interest, where the WI class is used to describe the current value of the Interest and the fields of the ComplexInterest can model the interest values of different moments in time.
    <owl:Class rdf:about="http://xmlns.notu.be/wi#ComplexInterest">
       <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="http://xmlns.notu.be/wi#WeightedInterest"/>
       <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="http://xmlns.notu.be/wi#" />
       <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">….</rdfs:comment>
       <skos:closeMatch rdf:resource="http://www.wici-lab.org/wici/e-foaf-interest/e-foaf.owl#interest">
       <skos:closeMatch rdf:resource="http://rdfs.org/imo/ns#MinedInterest">

Since we have proposed a mapping with e-foaf and IMO, we propose to change the name of * e-foaf:cumulative_interest_value (Property) in e-foaf to "e-foaf:counter as the current name is not really informative (the name is misleading). We also recommend the use of some e-foaf properties to capture temporal dynamics of interest, such as:

   e-foaf:interest_appeared_in (property)
   e-foaf:retained_interest_value (Property)
   e-foaf:interest_longest_duration (Property)
   e-foaf:interest_cumulative_duration (Property)
   e-foaf:interest_appear_time (property)

A drawing of the model we propose: [[2]] [[3]] [[4]] [[5]]

Proposed changes to FOAF model:[edit]
  • we propose a way to introduce some syntactic suggar using OWL2 property chain. Thus, there should be a possibility to overcome the indirection introduced by the concept of Weighted interest, and conncet a person directly to its interest (foaf:Topic_interest property). Here is the OWL property chain needed to do this:
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/topic_interest">
       <owl:propertyChainAxiom rdf:parseType="Collection">
               <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://xmlns.notu.be/wi/preference"/>
               <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://xmlns.notu.be/wi/topic"/>
  • Another use case is that we want to distinguish the case when a person just likes something, and the case when the liking implies also the willingness to receive updates from/about the objct/person/company being liked. In the sense of OpenGraph this diference is needed. On facebook one can like thinks and thus express interest in them, but some of those things can send updates to users newsfeed. On other networks people also declare some groups that they are following, on twitter they follow other persons. Following is thus a particular type of interest. Therfore we propose the inclusion of "follows" property in the FOAF vocabulary
    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/follows">
      <rdfs:range rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#"/>
       <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/topic_interest"/>
       <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="http://xmlns.notu.be/wi/" />

The question of relation between foaf:knows and foaf:follows is also interesting.IMO one should be able to follow everything and not just persons. Following implies interest, but knowing does not imply that we are interested in what we know. So the best seems to be to keep them separate. we propose to remove wi:NotInterstedIn, since that can be represented by an Interest with weight=0

Open questions:[edit]
  • wi:device {currently has foaf:document as range, but (for example) an iphone is clearly not a foaf:document we have no idea about device, but one should be able to capture the difference witween a device (e.g. iphone) as a source, and an application used (e.g., amazon, delicios,...) that was used for expressing interest}
  • wi:evidence {discussion: evidence should always be an activity. There is always an activity (often related to some object or material evidence) that allows to conclude about interest. Therefore the evidence property should point to a concept from activitystreams and not to foaf:Document.}
Comparison WI, IMO, e-foaf:[edit]
  • IMO is the most elegant/simple solution, designed for a specific application. What IMO has and the others don't: implicit + explicitly mined interests.
  • e-foaf has advanced time-based reasoning support. We discussed the usage of different fields in great detail and will ask the creators of the vocabulary for the rationale of the fields (eg the difference between interest_value, retained_interest_value, cumulative_interest_value).

Annotations Ontology[edit]

Used Ontologies:

Related Ontologies:

Useful Resources:

Use case 1[edit]

We want to annotate Web resources in a formal way, structuring not only metadata about annotations themselves but also describing their contents as sets of triples. Properties about annotations are well defined and used for filtering information (according to creators, dates, etc.) and managing revisions. For what concerns the actual contents of an annotation, we do not want to constrain users to comply to some specific vocabulary, but allow them to provide different kind of properties such as ratings, tags, and related Web pages and display them while users browse an annotated Web page.

Use case 2[edit]

In this use case the goal is to annotate parts of a document with different kinds of annotations (e.g. linguistic information about the text, detection of particular structures in the text, ...). Some of the annotations are provided by NLP tools, and other annotations are provided by the users. For instance, in a system that allow users to identify rules in a text. For a given rule, the annotations calculated by the NLP tools and those provided by the user, will be associated to a part of the text where the rule is initially expressed. And we want to maintain using these annotations, a link between the text and the formalized version of the rule.

Vocabulary, version 0.2.4[edit]
  • To have some data to play with for scenario 1, we built an on-the-fly conversion tool between delicious tags and our ontology. The output result is TriG, you can test this here
  • Here is an example SPARQL query we ran on the above dataset. This would basically work for any annotation, in this case it gets the list of tags specified by a user about a resource (NOTE: the list of annotations you get from the script are always about a specific resource, that is the one passed as an "url" parameter to the script).
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX annot: <http://vocamp.org/hyvoc/annotations#>
   ?a a annot:Annotation .
   ?a annot:annotationAuthor <http://delicious.com/castagna> .
   ?a annot:annotationContent ?g .
   GRAPH ?g { 
       ?s ?p ?o . 

Argumentation / Debate group[edit]

Our group's goal is to represent argumentative structures in RDF in order to be able to export/import from/to existing tools such as DebateGraph. Another benefit would be to be able to link argumentative structures with web contents such as posts, comments, etc. , and vice versa. There's actually quite a bit of such ontologies and projects aimed at representing/querying argumentative structures out there: Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group Charter, Semantic Web for Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group Swan Sioc, HCLSIG/SWANSIOC/Actions/RhetoricalStructure/models/salt, swan sioc project, SALT Rhetorical Ontology, SALT Annotation Ontology, SWAN/SIOC: Alignment Between the SWAN and SIOC Ontologies, AIF, AIF-RDF, ArgDF, IBIS Vocabulary, Representing and Querying Arguments in RDF, Towards representing and querying arguments on the semantic web (2006), Argument map Standards, Argumentation Research Group, Argument mapping tools list, Jodi Schneider, Deri

Use cases:

  • import debate data (issues, positions, arguments) from a debate mapping tool into another debate mapping tool.
  • link debate between different tools and interface of debate's describing
  • Structured conversations may be enriched by sharing a common substrate (mindmap or debate map) to which web articles, opinions, arguments, etc can be attached
  • Opposing arguments against a statement (position, argument) may be subdivided into
    • those that criticize the statement's internal structure (e.g., "circular argument")
    • those that introduce some new idea

See the outcome of our work: a proposal of a bundle of ontologie's to export DebateGraph argumentative structures to RDF

Vocabulary Alignment & Semantic Translation Rule Language Group[edit]

See this page


Thursday 13th and Friday 14th May 2010.


The following are outline timings for the event which are unlikely to change. Apart from these timings, exactly how we spend the time will largely be determined before and during the event.

Day 1 (Thursday 13th May)[edit]

09:00 - 9:30 Presentation of Hypios (Debbie Goldaber)

09:30 - 9:40 Planning of VoCamp time (Alexandre Monnin)

09:40 - 10:05 A Hitchhiker's Guide to Ontology Making (Milan Stankovic)

10:05 - 10:30 One minute introductions of participants over coffee and croissants.

10:30 - 11:00 Presentation of Topics.

11:00 - 12:00 Work in Groups

12:00 - 14:00 Lunch (provided by Hypios)

14:00 - 17:15 Work in Groups

17:15 - 18:00 Groups present their progress

Day 2 (Friday 14th May)[edit]

09:00 - 09:30 Presentation of regional funding opportunities for companies and research laboratories (Ali AHMED SAID - Centre Francilien de l'Innovation) - in French

09:30 - 12:00 voc, voc, voc,

12:00 - 14:00 Lunch (provided by Hypios)

14:00 - 18:00 voc, voc, voc,


Venue (meeting place)[edit]

Hypios HQ, Paris

Address : 187 rue du Temple, 75003, Paris, France

Diner place (Thursday evening)[edit]

Hypios will sponsor a diner in the favorite restaurant of hypsters - Cocotte Jolie, 18 rue Dauphine 75006 Paris, only drinks are on personal charge. (be there at 20:15 / 8:15PM)

Travel and how to arrive[edit]

Paris is well connected by air, and train lines. You may get instructions on how to get there on WikiTravel. Once you reach the Métro system, take any of the lines 3, 5, 8, 9 or 11 and get out on the station "République" which is close to Hypios. When you go out on the ground you shall see a great statue of the The Republic. She looks in the direction of Hypios. Take the rue du Temple, and you'll be there in a minute. Find the number 187, press the button to enter the courtyard. Hypios offices are on the left.

You may find the map of the Métro lines on the RATP website. This website provides the timetables for all the means of transportation in Paris.

You may also use buses to get around Paris. They tend to be much slower, but can be much more comfortable than the Métro. In the springtime they provide a marvelous way to enjoy the beautiful streets of Paris.

Cabs are almost impossible to catch, so do not count on them.


We have contacted a number of Hotels and Hostels in an effort to provide a discount for participants, but have had no success, as the number of participants in not interesting for them! Therefore, we decided not to recommend any of the hotels/hostels. You may find an accommodation easily using Google, Trip Advisor or similar service. However, we advise you to book your room early, as VoCamp is at the same time as a national holiday in France, and many people will come the Paris to spend an extended week-end! If you get in trouble, just write to greg.hermann@hypios.com and he will solve your problems.


Hotels near Hypios on Google on TripAdvisor


Hostels near Hypios on Google


Here people can suggest vocabularies and other things to work on. Just put a topic in the list and other people can put their names behind it to indicate interest in that topic.

Vocabularies, etc. I want to work on[edit]

(list topics of interest and name(s) of people interested in each topic)

Working Groups[edit]

How Much[edit]

The VoCamp event itself is free, although participants will need to pay for their own travel and accommodation. Hypios will provide lunches, dinner on Thursday and coffee breaks.





  • Milan Stankovic of Hypios / lightweight ontologist working on Social and Semantic Web approaches for Problem Solving Networks. Amateur de Chocolat /
  • Alexandre Monnin / PhD student in Philosophy, working on ontologies, folksonomies, Web + SemWeb architecture...

For all technical questions about coming, help with accommodation finding and getting around please contact Greg Hermann of Hypios on ghermann@hypios.com.

Participants (there are 20 places)[edit]

please put a link to your page, give an e-mail or send an e-mail to milan.stankovic@hypios.com

  1. Danica Damljanovic link
  2. Alexandre Passant
  3. Emma Bester emma'dot'bester'at'yahoo'dot'fr
  4. David Laniado
  5. François Scharffe
  6. Thomas Francart thomas'dot'francart'at'mondeca'dot'com - CTO of Mondeca / Working for 7 years with semantic data in administration, tourism, publishing, etc. often manipulating thesaurus.
  7. Nouha Omrane
  8. François Dongier
  9. Samuel Huron
  10. Abdoulaye GUISSE
  11. Adil El Ghali
  12. Nicolas James link
  13. Freddy Limpens
  14. Thieme Hennis interested in adding semantics to value statements. PhD research on reputation profiling in online communities.
  15. Davide Eynard
  16. Lora Aroyo, VU University Amsterdam; NoTube project and Prestoprime project; Interested in: (1) user interest vocabularies and (2) semantic annotations and semantic tagging
  17. Balthasar Schopman
  18. Christophe Willaert
  19. François-Paul Servant francois-paul.servant at renault.com

  1. Fabien Gandon participated on distance, by being an extended hand of the Debate modeling group

Waiting List (please put your name here after the 20 places have been filled out)[edit]

  1. Hondjack Dehainsala
  2. Julien Cotret julien'dot'cotret'at'lirmm'dot'fr

Would like to, but can't[edit]

  1. Antoine Isaac
  2. Tom Heath
  3. Gonzalo A. Aranda
  4. Hala Skaf-Molli
  5. Corey Leong
  6. Fabien Gandon
  7. Gautier Poupeau
  8. Jelena Jovanovic
  9. Konstantin Todorov link
  10. Gérard Dupont
  11. Yi Zeng Beijing University of Technology, LarKC Project

Call for Participation[edit]

Subject :

VoCamp, creating new vocabularies, Paris, France, 13th and 14th May 2010


The 2nd VoCamp in France, will take place in Paris the 13th and 14th May 2010.
VoCamp is a series of free informal events where people can spend some time creating and maintaining lightweight
vocabularies/ontologies/thesauruses for the Semantic Web/Web of Data/Linked Open Data. (see http://vocamp.org/ )
The VoCamp idea is influenced by BarCamp but is oriented to hands-on technical work and practical outputs to publish
new vocabularies. The emphasis of the events is not on creating the perfect ontology in a particular domain, but
on creating vocabularies that are good enough for people to start using for publishing data on the Web.
VoCamps are free for participants. Sign up by going to the website (attendance is limited to 20 people at the
moment so be quick)http://vocamp.org/wiki/HypiosVoCampParisMay2010