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The GeoVoCamp in Madrid will be co-organised with the one in Santa Barbara to make it easier for people from Europe to participate. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) will provide meeting rooms for the duration of the VoCamp Feb 4 to 5.


We plan to further work on the NeoGeo vocabulary. A potential further area of work will be generating LinkSpec's to help to map various open spatial datasets to each other (e.g., LinkedGeoData or

Of course, and most importantly, the GeoVoCamp is free and open to everybody with an interest in geo-ontologies, spatial semantics (with and without geo), Linked Spatiotemporal Data and the Geospatial Semantic Web.


The team of organisers will prepare a template for documentation, and breakout groups should take notes, which will be presented and discussed in the plenary. We plan to coordinate with the VoCamp at Santa Barbara via video link.

We took some notes.

Other results:


The GeoVocamp will take place 4-5 February 2012. To ensure that the meeting is productive and we get some real outcomes we hope that you can stay Saturday and Sunday (4-5 February). We will kick off the GeoVoCamp Saturday 10am. We will close the event Sunday 3pm.


The Vocamp will take place at the Main Library of The National Distance Education University (UNED) [2],

Paseo Senda del Rey, 5. Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid.

Take 46 form the city centre to Moncloa, or from Moncloa to the city centre. Get off the bus at Senda del Rey.

This Library is 20 minutes walking distance from the nearest metro station ("Ciudad Universitaria" Line 6 - gray) location map for more details.

We booked different rooms at this Library for our sessions (4-5th February).

In case you need further assistance, you can contact Boris - 0034600625689



  • NH Práctico
    • 3 stars
    • Calle Bravo Murillo, 304 - 28020 Madrid (Zona Pza. Castilla)
    • (34) 91 571 28 80
  • NH Bretón
    • 3 stars
    • Calle Bretón de los Herreros, 29 - 28003 Madrid (Zona Canal)
    • (34) 91 442 83 00
  • NH Zurbano
    • 4 stars
    • Calle Santa Engracia, 120 - 28003 Madrid
    • (34) 91 441 93 77


The program is not fixed and will remain flexible to a certain degree. The following schedule is just to give you a better impression of the strucutre of the GeoVocamp:

Saturday 4th February 2012
10:00am - 10:30 Goals of the GeoVocamp and Introduction of participants
10:30am - 11:30 Available datasets
11:00pm - 12:00 LinkedGeoData, GeoLinkedData
12:00pm - 1:00 ElViajero
1:00pm - 2:00 Lunch
1:30pm - 4:30 AEMETLinkedData, DataLiftProject (GeoData and ongoing modeling status)
4:30pm - 5:00 Discussion related to neogeovocab
5:00pm - 6:00 Brief introduction to Santa Barbara GeoVoCamp


9:00pm-~11:00 Dinner
Sunday 5th February 2012
10:00am - 10:30 Recap of the previous day
10:30am - 12:00
12:00pm - 1:00
1:00pm - 2:00 Lunch
2:00pm - ~3:00


Please add your name here to help us planning, you can change your mind at any time and also indicate whether you will participate for sure or just maybe. You can also indicate that you cannot make it but would like share thoughts and experience via the wiki.



  1. Andreas Harth (KIT)
  2. Boris Villazón-Terrazas (UPM)
  3. Luis M. Vilches (UPM)
  4. Ghislain A. Atemezing (Eurecom)
  5. Oscar Corcho (UPM)
  6. Francisco J. Lopez-Pellicer (Universidad de Zaragoza) - Won't be there sorry
  7. Claus Stadler (AKSW, LinkedGeoData)
  8. Antonio Armas Díaz (TechniGraphic Systems Spain)
  9. Loly Jiménez (Clirsen - Ecuador)
  10. Jhonny Saavedra (UPM)
  11. José Luis Fernández Vindel (UNED)

(Add your name)

Would like to, but can't[edit]

  1. Jens Lehmann (AKSW, LinkedGeoData)
  2. Juan Salas (UTN)
  3. David Portolés (Idearium Consultores)
  4. Roberto García (Universitat de Lleida, Spain)

(Add your name)

Mailing list[edit]

You may also want to check out the NeoGeo mailing list at