From VoCamp Wiki
Summary: strongly javadoc inspired
- @author 0..N
- @version 0..N
- @since 0..N
- @see 0..N if URL, first space-separated token following is a link, values with semicolons indicate relative links
- @param 0..N first space-separated token following is param name
- @deprecated 0..1
- @return 0..1
- @error 0..N
XQuery has executable main modules and library modules, but no classes. A main modules contains an executable expression not in a function.
Modules may have global variables and may import other modules.
XQuery functions have 0..N arguments. The same function name can exist multiple times, provided the number of arguments is different.
Every argument has a type, which can be XML typed. Sequences (possibly empty) are possible. Example of argument types:
- xsd:string
- xsd:anyURI?
- element(html:li)+
- empty-sequence()
- item()*
- schema-element(my:abstractSchemaType)
Every function has a single return type.
Example output [1]
- Module name in h1
- Author in a li
- Version in a li
- Since in a li
- Variables in a li
- Methods in a ul class="method"