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This will be the first VoCamp in Scotland. VoCamp is a series of informal events where people can spend some dedicated time creating lightweight vocabularies/ontologies for the Semantic Web/Web of Data. For more, see WhatIsVoCamp.

  • If you have knowledge about any aspect of the SW and RDF. University, industry and community participants.
  • If you have no idea what SW and RDF is, you should come and find out more.
  • If you have some background in IT development are facing SW challenges which you would like to discuss with others.

The VoCamp event itself is free, although participants will need to pay for their own travel, accommodation and food.


University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

John Anderson Building, Room K3.26 (max 30 participants)

The side entrance at the top of Taylor Street is the best entrance. This takes you to level 4 and access to K326, which is clearly identified, is down one flight of stairs.


The 14th and 15th of September, 2009. 10 am to 6pm, with breaks (possibly dragging on a bit longer as needed)

Agenda (in Principle)[edit]

The following are outline timings for the event which are unlikely to change. Apart from these timings, exactly how we spend the time will largely be determined during the event.

Broad areas we would like to cover

  1. what/why/how RDF vocabularies
  2. examples
  3. "how to"s
  4. tools.
  5. best practices
  6. open issues and practical hands on sessions.
  7. specific vocabularies and challenges
  8. whatever participants want to add to the plan

Day 1[edit]

Introductions (say who you are, your background, and what you would like to get out of this session) (3 minutes each approx 1 hour, followed by break)

Short Presentations by participants Participants who want to will give short presentations in which they can solicit feedback on their work, relevant issues, etc (Possibly with the help of no more than ten slides (but 2 slides is OK), and no more than 15 minutes say what you do/don't do in relation to vocabularies and linked data)

Tutorial on Owl Ontology Building by Dr Jeff Pan

Brainstorming and problem solving during/after each presentation (what are you working on? what problems are facing? can other participants help you with some ideas?) - we can leave this for the afternoon, and form 3-4 workgroups or keep the plenary, we' ll probably do a show of hands to decide this one), will have a break in the middle and aim to finish by 5 or so, but people who want to continue working we can probably stay a bit longer in the room

Possible dedicated tutorial session after teabreak and before dinner (4.30-7.30 pm)

Agenda setting for day 2

Day 2[edit]

As decided by participants on day 1.

More brainstorming, Tutorials and RDF clinics throughout the Vocamp held by (either, or, or all) of Harry/Keith/Jeff A look ahead, plans for future vocamps, workgroups and related schemes...

Hungry anyone?[edit]

Possible dinner together at Italian Kitchen Suggest another place for dinner?

Tutorials and Background Reading[edit]

Tutorials and Background Reading

Semantic Technologies Community of Practice[edit]

The Semantic Technologies Community of Practice is hosted by the ImprovementService along with many other communities of practice focusing on the work of local and central government. Although badged as a "Scottish" group, the Semantic Technologies Community of Practice has an international membership and recognises that the business of developing semantically aware information systems is domain-agnostic and so there is scope to learn from others irrespective of the domain within which they are working. So, in addition to people in the e-government area the CoP brings together people from many other domains who share an interest in semantic technologies. If you have an interest in

  • Terminology and vocabulary management and dissemination
  • Ontology development and use
  • Data element specific metadata (e.g. ISO 11179)
  • Modelling concepts and data (e.g. UML, OWL etc)
  • Model-driven architectures
  • Semantic integration (RDF etc)

then this CoP would welcome your involvement.

Vocabularies to work on[edit]

Related Vocabularies Materials (Please add yours in advance an link below)[edit]

ESD toolkit, Not Public?

[www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/cplexicon Civic Protection Lexicon - to be rdfized at some point? ]

Marine Metadata Problem (similar to emergency management)



  • Paola Di Maio, @University of Strathclyde
  • Keith Alexander, Talis


Hi Roko, thanks for your interest! vocamps are intended to be practical hands on sessions on online vocabularies. (Taxonomies, concept hierarchies, controlled vocabulaires, glossaries etc) In particular, we are likely tofocus on RDF represeantation of such vocabularies, (since its the current standard) their uses and applications and related issues challenges. If you are working on vocabularies, we'd like to hear about that! If not, come as an observer Hopefully the agenda will be full of vocabulary talks, and we'll probably avoid discussing philosophical stances, unless they bear a direct implication on the vocabulary front. But feel free to post a link here to related work. Hope to see you there.

if you avoid philosophical stances, they don't go away, but yes, I can certainly provide a link or two once my thesis is done in 2 weeks.
  • John Kearney Rank amateur interested in learning more about semantics, ontologies and associated technologies.
  • User: Mdempster Working in assistive technology for people with communication impairments and interested in how semantic web services and shared data might be of use in this field.
  • User: AndrewMcHugh Working in digital preservation interested in distributed object models and how semantic web and vocabularies can assist description and matching of preservation risk and object characteristics.
  • Serge Boucher: Interested in developing vocabularies for location-based services and news ontologies.

Have expressed their interest by email:

  • Maciej Zurawski
  • Patrick McCann

Regrettably cannot attend


Everyone is welcome to attend, but places are limited to max 30 (filling up fast)

Registration is mandatory

To register, add your name and contact details to the list, and sign up to the swig on google and pop an email to Other attendants and organisers

Registration will close 9th september to enable wifi logons to be issued

Desired Outcomes[edit]

Goals of the session - to meet and connect with peers who have an interst in the semantic web, from whatever angle - to learn and share SW knowledge - to make an impact and spread the LOD and SW to wider communities of geeks and IT people, as well s to anyone else who wants to learn about it - to discuss and tackle specific challenges and problems, so that we can feed back into the bigger SW Loop

NormanGray gave a brief talk on Explicator (slides could be uploaded if that becomes permitted).

Summary Notes[edit]



If you any questions or suggestions in relation to this event, sign up to the SWIG Google Groups mailing list and post there (some of this Vocamp organisers will get back to you).

There are also event listings on Linkedin and Facebook


This Vocamp is made possible by interest and initiative demonstrated of organisers and participants

In particular we thank the Information Resources Directorate, University of Strathclyde

IRD for making available the room, organising wifi and tea breaks



Talis for some lunch snacks, catered at the venue (there will be vegetarian selection)